Did you know that children may need to be exposed to a taste up to 10-15 times before they appreciate it? A child's taste can simply change over time if you offer the food multiple times.

Introduce flavors before the neophobic phase
There is a good opportunity to introduce new flavors (and textures) from when a baby is between 4-6 months and 12-18 months.
This is because when children are around 12-18 months old, they tend to become something called "neophobic," which means they generally become more afraid of new foods (and even certain foods they previously liked). In this phase, it often takes more exposure to new foods than before for the child to learn to like the taste (if they ever do).
If the child has been exposed to flavors before then, it can increase the chance that they will continue to like the flavors even during this tricky phase. For example, it can be good to expose the child to different types of vegetables and fruit so that the chance increases that these important food groups can be part of the child's diet when they grow up.

Easy to misinterpret reactions
It may also be good to remember that it is easy to mistake a young child's reactions to food and interpret them as a sign that the child does not like the food. Of course, this can sometimes be the case, but often it is due to something else.
Examples of reactions that are easily misinterpreted are that the child shivers, spits out the food, makes faces, chokes, throws the food, etc. All of these things can be due to something completely different, such as the motor skills not being fully developed.
Good products for taste training
Elin gives tips!
If your child doesn't seem to like something new that you've served, they don't have to eat it - but try offering it again to see if they might like it more then.
We should never force a child to like something or to eat something the child doesn't want. But to give them the opportunity to try again, and again, and again. But in the end, of course, you have to throw in the towel if it doesn't work out.