Welcome to the blog

Here you will find tips, advice and facts about children and food, and specifically about finger foods. Everything is written by our founder Elin Oresten, who is also a licensed nutritionist.

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The Great Guide to finger food and BLW

Time to start introducing food? Here we go over what finger foods and BLW are, step-by-step how to get started, signs that your baby is ready and tips on good foods to start with.



Häng med på barnmatsrevolutionen - så kan vi göra skillnad

Elin Oresten
Of Elin Oresten

Här är konkreta sätt du kan bidra till att sprida kunskap, påverka och inspirera fler till att testa plockmat.

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Högriskmat - vilken mat ska man vara försiktig med till små barn?

Elin Oresten
Of Elin Oresten

Även om kvävningsolyckor bland barn är ovanliga, är det viktigt att vara medveten om vilka livsmedel som kan innebära en högre risk.

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varför ska du låta ditt barn kladda med maten?

Why should you let your child scribble?

Elin Oresten
Of Elin Oresten

The mess isn't always so much fun for us adults who have to clean it up.. BUT! It has an important purpose in children's development....

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Budgetmat för hela familjen

Cheap food and budget tips

Elin Oresten
Of Elin Oresten

We share our best budget tips and recipes that make both the stomach and the wallet happy.

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Julmat till bebisar

Christmas food for small children

Elin Oresten
Of Elin Oresten

At Knatteplock we love the Christmas community around food. Many parents think you have to cook special food for the youngest, but in fact there...

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regler vid plockmat

Golden rules when serving picking food

Elin Oresten
Of Elin Oresten

These "golden rules" focus on making the meal safe and inspiring food joy for both children and parents.

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Vegetarisk mat barn

Less meat but more iron - it works?

Elin Oresten
Of Elin Oresten

A new survey from the National Food Agency shows that many both 1.5-year-olds and 4-year-olds eat more meat and chark, such as sausages, than what...

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How does calcium affect iron absorption?

Elin Oresten
Of Elin Oresten

Can calcium in milk products reduce how much iron the body absorbs? In this blog post, Elin finds out how it actually works.

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smakträning bebis

Muffins for kids: smooth, tasty and grip -friendly

Elin Oresten
Of Elin Oresten

Muffins are perfect picking food for children and babies. They are easy to bake, can be made both sweet, moderate and are good to freeze.

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Elin's story

That's why I started Knatteplock