Do you get nervous when your baby chokes? Watching your baby choke during a meal can be uncomfortable as a parent. But choking is a natural reflex and part of a baby's development as they learn to eat solid foods. Here, we'll go over the difference between choking and gagging, and how you can create safe meals for your baby.

Why is it good to be able to tell the difference between gagging and gagging?
When you can see the difference between these two phenomena, you can also see the difference between danger and “no danger”. It gives you both peace and security, and it gives the child a more stress-free meal. Both you and the child benefit from it. In addition, if you know when to act, you also know when NOT to act. So you should not pat yourself on the back if it is not necessary, then you can create a dangerous situation out of a harmless situation.
Concepts to know
Choking, retching, gagging: Gagging is a reflex that pushes food forward into the mouth when it is too large to swallow. It is an important safety mechanism to prevent food from getting stuck in the throat.
Cough: Coughing is the body's way of reacting when something goes wrong in the windpipe. Babies have good cough reflexes that help them solve the problem themselves.
- Sore throat and airway obstruction: If a piece of food gets stuck in the trachea, it can cause airway obstruction and choking.
What is the difference between gagging and gagging?
Choking and choking are two different things. Choking is a reflex that helps prevent food from going too far back into the mouth and windpipe. When a child chokes, the child may make noises and is usually unresponsive afterward. However, when a child truly chokes (and experiences airway obstruction), the child becomes quiet, may turn a white/bluish color to the face, show signs of panic, and have difficulty breathing. This requires prompt management of airway obstruction to prevent choking.
This is what nausea can look like
A choking sensation can manifest itself in several different ways. Watch the video to see what a choking sensation can look like.
Why do children choke?
The gag reflex in children is much more sensitive than in adults and can be triggered more easily when food comes into contact with the trigger point of the reflex. It is the body's way of protecting the child while they learn to eat.
Regurgitation is common when children begin to explore solid foods and is a completely normal part of the learning to eat process. Over time, the trigger point moves back into the mouth, and the regurgitation decreases. The regurgitation moves the food forward in the mouth so that the child can restart chewing or spit the food out.
"When your child is choking, the child is working with the food. That's a good thing. Try praising the child when the child is choking, see it as something positive."
How to deal with nausea?
It is important to understand that vomiting is a normal part of your baby's feeding journey.Letting the child resolve the situation on their own, as long as the child can make sounds and seems comfortable, is usually the best and safest approach. You should not pat the child on the back or put your fingers in their mouth if they are choking or coughing.
Creating a calm and safe environment for meals can also help reduce the risk of the child becoming scared or anxious during meals.
Children who are given finger foods learn to vomit less than other children
An interesting study on BLW and finger foods showed that children who ate according to BLW choked more at 6 months, but less at 8-9 months because they developed more control and coordination early on when it comes to moving food around the mouth.
This may be an indication that babies who are given the opportunity to work with pieces of food early in their feeding journey develop oral motor skills more quickly than those who are spoon-fed puree.
Is there a greater risk of choking with finger foods than with purees?
It may be easy to assume that it is easier to choke on finger foods/pieces of food than on purees and mashed foods. However, the fact is that the studies done on this do not show a higher risk with BLW and finger foods.
Of course, it's about serving safe food that is adapted to the child's age and motor abilities, but generally speaking, the risk is not greater.
Brown A. (2018) No difference in self-reported frequency of choking between infants introduced to solid foods using a baby-led weaning or traditional spoon-feeding approach. J Hum Nutr Diet.
Fangupo LJ, Heath AM, Williams SM, Erickson Williams LW, Morison BJ, Fleming EA, Taylor BJ, Wheeler BJ, Taylor RW. (2016) A Baby-Led Approach to Eating Solids and Risk of Choking. Pediatrics.
Is it dangerous when a baby bites off a large piece of food?
Well, generally not. Babies haven't learned what a proper bite is yet. Or have the motor skills to bite off bite-sized bites. Some children also like food very much and like to put a lot of food in their mouths for that reason.
It can be scary to watch as a parent when your baby has a mouth full of food. Many people are afraid that your baby will bite off a large piece and choke on it, but the fact is that big bites don't automatically mean your baby will choke on it.
- Large pieces of food trigger the chewing reflex in the mouth more easily. So with a little patience, the baby can often chew the piece of food down.
- If the piece of food becomes too difficult for the baby to handle, it will likely come back out (either by being spat out or swallowed).
- The swallowing reflex can also be triggered, which means the baby can swallow the piece even if it is not chewed enough. This is not dangerous.
- Remember that we have two passages in our throat, a windpipe and an esophagus. Just because the child bites off a large piece doesn't mean it will end up in the wrong throat. It takes more than that for the piece to end up in the wrong place.
If your child bites off a piece of food that is difficult to handle, it is best to sit close to the child and stick out your tongue and place your hand in front of the child's mouth. Stay calm and try to get the child to spit it out on their own. Try to avoid putting your fingers in the child's mouth as this can make the situation worse.
Of course, safety also concerns the consistency of the food, it should be soft enough for the baby to mash it in their mouth. Otherwise, both small and large pieces are risky, if it is too hard.
How should you act as a parent?
Understanding the difference between choking and gagging is important in creating a safe and secure eating environment for your child. With knowledge and caution, you can help your child explore food safely and promote their independence and development.
How to create a safe meal
Four points that can help you as a parent create a safe environment for your child and feel more secure during mealtime.
Monitor the child
Always supervise your child during meals so that you can act quickly if necessary.Avoid choking hazards
Do not give your child food that could pose a choking hazard, such as round and hard pieces of food.- Create a calm environment
Sit with your child during meals and avoid feeding them while they are moving. The risk of choking increases significantly when children are moving and eating at the same time. - Learn CPR for children
Knowing what to do if something gets stuck in your child's windpipe and basic CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) for children is an important precaution to be able to act quickly and correctly in any emergency situations.
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Food for the whole family from 6 months and up
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