Introduktion av allergener

Introduction of allergens

Posted by Elin Oresten on

Anna Sundin, pediatric allergist, answers questions about allergies in children. This post is created together with The allergy experts.

1. What is an allergen?

Allergens are actually proteins found in various foods. They are only an allergen if the child has an allergic reaction. For example, most children can drink milk without having an allergic reaction, and in these cases, milk is not an allergen.

2. When can you start introducing allergens? (age of the child)

Children come into contact with potential allergens immediately after birth. When it comes to food, there are recommendations to give small amounts of many different foods from around 4 months of age at the earliest, in the form of taste sensations. Studies have shown that it is important not to wait too long with the introduction because the opportunity to develop tolerance (tolerating different proteins) is greatest early in life.

3. Should one introduce one allergen at a time or how should one proceed practically?

Let your child test your food, for example by licking your finger of what you are eating in a taste sensation if it is before 6 months. If a suspected allergic reaction occurs immediately after the meal, you should contact your healthcare provider for assessment and investigation and a plan for continued introduction. In these cases, it may be appropriate to introduce one food at a time and serve this food again in small quantities and be aware of any reaction.

In the event of a severe allergic reaction (hives all over the body, cough, increased saliva, vomiting, respiratory problems, fatigue), parents should contact healthcare urgently for a medical assessment and a decision on whether to reintroduce the current foods.

4. How much of an allergen should you give the first time? For example, peanuts?

If you are concerned about an allergy to a specific food, you can start with very small amounts. Preferably peanut butter by licking a spoon. The next day, a slightly larger amount and gradually increase the amount.

If you specifically want to introduce peanuts, check that there are only peanuts in the product, i.e. no traces of other nuts.

5. Can a child have a severe reaction the first time they test an allergen? Or is it more likely to have a mild reaction the first time?

The child may have a severe reaction the first time they ingest the food. However, the immune system requires that the protein has been presented to the immune system cells at an earlier time, i.e. before allergic reactions develop.

The small child has then ingested the food in a small amount early in life without the parents being aware of it. The child has then become “sensitized”, i.e. developed a reaction with the production of antibodies in the blood. The fact that the child ingests the protein early is in most cases not a bad thing, since it means that the small child's immune system has encountered the protein and the child has thus had the opportunity to develop tolerance.

How to tell if your child is allergic

Look for these common symptoms:

Skin: redness, swelling most commonly around the mouth and face, itching, hives

The mouth: itching, increased saliva

The stomach: stomach pain, vomiting

The lungs: increased work of breathing, coughing, wheezing, severe asthma attack

General symptoms: anxiety, restless, fever, fatigue, calm, want to sleep

Severe allergic reaction/anaphylaxis: any allergic symptoms above as well as asthma attacks and/or drop in blood pressure, unconsciousness.

6. Is there a greater risk that the child will be allergic if the parents are?

Yes, there is a clear increased risk for the child to develop allergic symptoms if the parents have an allergic disease.

What the child inherits is a risk of allergic disease. So it is not as simple as the child getting the same symptoms and allergic diagnoses as the parents.

Example: A parent may have an allergic reaction during pollen season. The first child develops eczema, the second child has a severe allergic reaction with stomach pain and vomiting when consuming milk, while the third sibling has no allergy at all.

Want to know more? Follow @AllergyExperts on Instagram.

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That's why I started Knatteplock

Benefits of eating the same food the whole family

Make picked food at home

Children love to imitate, by eating the same food it facilitates learning and makes mealtime a positive experience of togetherness. As a parent you don't have to feed but can sit next to and enjoy the food.

Picking food gives children the opportunity to explore a variety of textures and consistencies at their own pace. This can lead to a healthier relationship with food and a greater enjoyment of eating. By offering different textures and flavors, the child gets a broader taste palette, and there is a greater chance that the appetite will continue even during the naturally picky period that usually comes around two years. Research shows that children who are introduced to a more varied diet from the start eat more variety and more vegetables later in life.

  • Promotes exploration and independence at mealtime.
  • Develops early chewing skills.
  • Simplifies family meals and strengthens community.

Why finger food ?

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Promotes exploration and independence at the meal
Develops early chewing abilities
Simplifies family meal time and strengthens the community

Market leader on products for children's independent eating

Encourage the joy of eating by letting your child explore flavors and textures on their own. Start the food adventure today - we are here for you and your child through messes, discoveries and challenges.
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Common questions about picking food

Finger food is a way of offering food where the baby/child eats themselves either with their hands or with a spoon.

Finger foods give children the opportunity to explore a variety of textures and consistencies at their own pace, from an early age. This can lead to a healthier relationship with food and greater enjoyment of eating.

Make sure your baby shows signs of being ready for solid foods. She should be able to sit up in a chair on her own, be able to bring objects to her mouth on her own, and show an interest in food. Maybe your baby is reaching for your food or looking at your plate with fascination, then there is probably interest!

Consider offering foods that are fairly soft but easy to grasp. For example, sweet potato sticks, slices of liver pâté, cooked broccoli or omelette/pancake strips. Sandwiches with butter and/or liver pâté are also perfect for practicing motor skills. Slippery foods that are difficult to grasp can be rolled in seeds or sandwich crumbs. For example, avocado or banana. But in general, it is good to offer the baby what the rest of the family eats as often as possible.

Small babies don't have a pincer grip so it's big pieces that matter at first. The pieces should be longer than the palm of their hand because small babies (6 months) often can't open their palm on request. It may feel scary but it's actually safer with bigger pieces than smaller pieces when it's a small baby! If they take too big bites they spit it out again.

Read more here.

Many people worry about how their children will be able to chew finger foods without teeth. The good news is that it goes very well. Young children process food with their tongue, palate and toothless jaws.

Children only get molars when they are a little older (over 1 year old) and waiting to introduce solid foods until then can have negative consequences for the child's eating development.

Children don't learn to chew by eating puree, they learn to chew by practicing chewing different textures in their mouths.

Read more here.