Elin Oresten
God och smidig overnight oats som är perfekt att förbereda kvällen innan. Perfekt att plocka fram som frukost på morgonen eller som mellanmål.
⚠️Gluten (välj garanterat glutenfria havregryn för att undvika gluten)

2-2,5 dl valfri mjölk (tex havremjölk)
1 dl havregryn
3 torkade aprikoser eller plommon
1 dl valfria bär
1,5 msk chiafrön
1 krm vaniljpulver
Produkter vi har använt
Do this:
Cut the apricots or plums into small pieces.
Mix all the ingredients together in a bowl or lunch box. Let the mixture harden in the fridge over overnight or at least 4 hours. Stir after 15 min.
Dilute with more milk to desired consistency
Please serve with fruit or berries, e.g. banana, mango, raspberry, etc.
Keeps in the fridge for up to 3 days.
Recipe listing
👶 From 6 to 12 months
- serve in a deep bowl. Let the baby mess with his hands or help with pre-loaded spoons.
👶 From about 12 months and up - serve the porridge in a bowl with a spoon. If the child has not learned to eat with a spoon, just keep practicing with preloaded spoons.
Nutrition (selected parts):
💪 Fat from chia seeds
💪 Protein from chia seeds
💪 Carbohydrates from oatmeal
💪 Iron from chia seeds (omega-3), oatmeal and dried fruit
💪 Magnesium from chia seeds and oatmeal
💪 Selenium from chia seeds
💪 Vitamin B1, B3, B9 from chia seeds