10 Minutes
20 Minutes
Elin Oresten
⚠️ Ägg (byt till chiaägg för att undvika)

230 gram vita bönor
8 färska dadlar (urkärnade)
2 ägg (eller två chiaägg; lägg 2 msk chiafrön i 6 msk vatten i 15 min. Använd som ägg)
2 msk majsstärkelse (valfritt, men det gör kakan fluffigare)
0,5 tsk bakpulver
1 ekologisk citron (skal och saft)
0,75 dl rapsolja
Simple Bowl - Ochre
Produkter vi använt
Do this:
Put the oven on at 200 degrees.
Rinse the beans thoroughly in water, for example in a pasta colander.
Place all ingredients in a bowl or mixer. Blend with a hand mixer or other mixer until smooth.
Grease a small ovenproof dish with neutral oil or butter, or line it with parchment paper.
Pour the batter into the mold.
Bake in the middle of the oven for 20 minutes.
Store in the fridge or freeze.
Recipe listing
Age Adaptation
👶 From 6 to 9 months
- cut the cake into long slices, about 2 cm wide and slightly longer than the baby's palm.
👶 From 9* to 12 months
- serve the cake in small pieces of about 1x1 cm.
👶 From about 12 months and up
- serve the cake in slices.
*From the time the baby has developed a pincer grip
Nutrition (selected products)
💪 Carbohydrates from beans and corn starch
💪 Fat from rapeseed oil and eggs
💪 Protein from eggs and beans
💪 Iron from eggs/chia seeds and beans
💪 Potassium from beans
💪 Vitamin C from lemon