6-8 child portions
Elin Oresten
⚠️ Gluten
⚠️ Komjölk
⚠️ Ägg

- 1 msk smör (eller olja)
- 4 ägg
- 3 dl vetemjöl
- 8 dl mjölk
- 2 krm peppar
- 2 potatisar
- 2 morötter
- 1 liten purjolök
0,5 dl mixat paltbröd (för extra järn, valfritt)
Produkter vi har använt
Do this:
- Sätt ugnen på 225°C.
- Smörj en långpanna (ca 30 x 40 cm) med matfettet.
Whisk eggs, flour and half of the milk until smooth. Whisk in the rest of the milk. Add pepper. Peel and coarsely grate the potatoes and carrots. Try to squeeze some water out of the grated vegetables. Trim and slice the leeks.
Put the roasting pan in the oven for a few minutes so that the butter melts. Spread the vegetables in the bottom of the pan. Pour the batter over the vegetables. Place in the oven for about 40-45 minutes or until the pancake has set. Let cool for 15 minutes before serving so that it sets further.
- Servera med rårörda lingon. För vuxna är det gott med lite stekt bacon till.
👶 From 6 to 9 months - serve the pancake in long strips. Mash the lingonberry.
👶 From 10 months and up - serve the pancake in small pieces.
Recipe listing
Nutrition (selected parts):
💪 Protein from eggs and milk
💪 Fat from eggs and butter/oil
💪 Carbohydrates from wheat flour
💪 Iron from palt bread
💪 Vitamin C from lingonberry